Friday, March 19, 2010

Artispot Launches Email Registration Page - And Other Wonderful Artispot News!

Greetings All,

By now, I'm sure, if you've been following on Facebook or Twitter, you've heard the news that Artispot has finally launched it's e-mail registration page. We're one step closer to a full launch, folks! Yes, now you can sign up to receive notification of our launch date as well as news on specials, sweepstakes, new offerings and more. Don't forget to also look for us on Facebook and click that little button to become a fan. We're also on Twitter for all you tweet-hounds out there. Follow us for real-time updates as we construct our company from the ground up. You can get in on the ground floor and be a part of something special.

Okay, folks. Thanks for reading and have an awesome, special day!

Aaron Johnson
Creative Director, Artispot

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